
Rubber Grass Mats – The Complete Guide

Rubber Grass Mats

A complete guide to Rubber Grass Mats

It is normal during colder seasons or severe weather for grass to become damaged.

Subsequently, many organisations and households have turned to rubber grass mats to ensure their surface is accessible year-round.

They consist of an environmentally-friendly, impact absorbing surface manufactured from high density recycled rubber and are suitable for environments including: parks and garden areas, playgrounds, stables, sports areas, schools and swimming pools.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at what makes them popular, how to install them and how they are used.

Rubber Grass Mats - The Complete Guide
Rubber Grass Mats are ideal for play areas.

How to install rubber grass mats

Rubber grass mats are made from 100% recycled rubber and are available in two thicknesses: 16mm and 23mm. 

They are easy to install using the process below:

  1. Measure and mark out the site where the rubber grass mats will be installed. This is followed by cutting the grass short and removing any clippings and debris.
  2. To create a flat surface, level out any uneven areas using good quality sandy topsoil. Compact the surface before seeding or turning the area.
  3. Situate the rubber grass mats into the previously marked out area. Cut the mats to fit around any obstacles.
  4. Lay grass mats ensuring that neighbouring mats are touching. Using cable ties at 150mm intervals, fasten the edges of mats together. Next, trim off the ends at the fixed cable ties and ensure the cut ends are not a hazard.
  5. When all the mats are fixed together, secure grass mats into the ground at intervals of 500mm. By hammering or malleting using plastic fixing pegs to ensure the mats will not move when walked on.
  6. You can now use your grass mats. The grass will grow for a sturdy and natural looking grassed area.
Rubber Grass Mats
Rubber Grass Mats are easy to install
Rubber Grass Mats can be used for a number of uses
Rubber Grass Mats can be used for a number of uses

Features and benefits

Many companies and households are using synthetic grass matting as it is comparatively cheap to install and looks just as real as natural grass.

It requires minimal maintenance to remain accessible and attractive all year round. This saves time and cost in the long run.

Grass matting in a playground is essential safety feature, as it adds as a factor in the Critical Fall Height from set pieces of equipment.

Playground surfacing also needs to be as durable as it is safe, ensuring it suitably holds the number of people using the area. The deterioration of a surface can happen quickly if counter-measures are not installed.

Grass mats can be used in dryer areas because they do not require any form of watering.

It is also safe and non-toxic for pets.

Rubber Grass Mats are environmentally friendly and improve health and safety
Rubber Grass Mats are environmentally friendly and improve health and safety

Rubber Grass Mats

Different types of rubber grass mats

There are different types of rubber grass mats.

Grass Protection Mats: These protect the root of the grass below and making sure it can grow naturally. They provide durability, versatility, critical fall height and wheelchair friendliness which makes it an ideal grass protection option for a large number of projects.

Rubber Grass Mats for Paths and Walkways: Rubber grass mats are a a popular solution to create paths, walkways and standing areas. It can be used on farms and allotments to create a solid, non-slip and wheelchair friendly path.

Equestrian Rubber Mats: They are common in the equestrian market as they are strong yet soft underfoot. They are non-slip, easy to clean and simple to replace.

Rubber Playground Mats: They used under playground equipment due to the critical fall height of 3.3 metres making it a great safety solution.  

Temporary Event Mats: These are suitable for heavy foot traffic. Examples include bonfire night events, music concerts, circuses and festivals.

Mats for Golf Courses: These venues are always looking at ways to protect precious turf. Constant foot, buggy and golf cart traffic can take a toll on the grass, which means a suitable product is needed to protect it.

Rubber Grass Mats can be used for a number of purposes
Rubber Grass Mats can be used for a number of purposes
Grass Mats used as a walkway
Grass Mats used as a walkway

A guide to relevant regulations

The RoSPA’s function is to reduce the severity of injuries which are sadly inevitable.

The most common cause of playground injury is falling from equipment. The advice takes into account two factors:

  • Could the fall have been prevented?
  • Could the resulting injury have been prevented or reduced in its severity?

Injury prevention is seen as one of the functions of surface material.

The RoSPA recommends the use of impact absorbing surfaces (IAS) as good practice. This may reduce the severity of certain types of falls, such as onto a joint, or head injuries.

Grass is a natural material and therefore has strong developmental value for children.


There are two standards that cover playground equipment and surfacing. EN1176:2008 recommends that well maintained grass with at least 150mm of sub soil is a suitable for falls up to 150mm. 

The use of rubber grass mats therefore backs these recommendations.

The ROSPA have recommendations for playground surfaces
The ROSPA have standards and recommendations for playground surfaces

Rubber grass mat options

Our grass mats are available in two thicknesses.

23mm Rubber Grass Mat: This is the slightly heavier duty grass mat. It is manufactured from hi-density rubber and is compliant with BS 7188 and BS EN 1177:2008. It has a high 3.3 metre critical fall height, meaning it is an effective safety feature for play areas.

16mm Rubber Grass Mats: This is the slightly lighter-duty alternative. Each mat is compliant with BS 7188 and BS EN 1177:2008. The critical fall height of 1.1 metres mean the mats are ideal for low level play areas for added protection. The mats are waterproof and most commonly used to create grass paths or walkways with added strength and support whilst protecting the root of the grass.

Rubber Grass Mats with pegs and tiles

Find out more

For more information on Rubber Grass Mats visit

You can visit our category page here.

To find out how rubber grass mats are suitable for your application, call us on 01246 418144 or contact us via webchat.

Rubber Grass Mats

2 responses

  1. Thanks for the info on this page. I am looking at protecting a steep narrow winding path. any suggestions on how to cut and lay the material round the bends. eg diagonal cuts or attempt to cut a bend in the material. What is the best cutting implement?

    1. Hi Ian,
      Thanks for your comment, a member of our customer service team will be in touch to discuss this with you.
      Thanks, GCL Products

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