Benefits of using pathway mats for golf courses

Benefits of using pathway mats on golf courses

the advantages of using golf path matting

Golf pathways are essential for golf courses as they facilitate movement around the course, for both the golfer and the golf cart.

Using certain materials golf pathways can become waterlogged and muddy during winter months so courses are advised to think about a permeable path solution – which is where rubber grass mats come in.

This blog post explains the criteria for choosing rubber grass mats for golf courses.

Rubber golf walkways are used by Lancaster Golf Club
Rubber grass mats used by Lancaster Golf Club.

What is golf pathway matting?

Golf courses can be prone to bad weather conditions and the mats can be used to ensure a safe, non-slip surface.

The matting is designed to protect grass roots and blades from erosion by foot traffic – whilst maintaining the natural appearance of the course.

The benefits of the mats are explained below.

What is golf pathway matting?
Golf matting means golfers and spectators can walk around the course while being protected from mud.

Benefits of grass mats

1: A golf pathway mat creates a strong and clean surface

Rubber grass mats are suitable for holding lots of traffic. These are strong to hold a large number of golfers moving between areas of the course and are also suitable for light vehicles, such as buggies and golf carts.

The mats protect competitors from the mud and allow them to complete the course remaining clean.

A golf pathway mat creates a strong and clean surface
The light duty path mats are suitable for a volume of traffic as well as golf carts.

2: Protecting the grass from erosion

The grass is an essential component of any course.

Maintaining the grass is an essential for providing a high quality aesthetically-pleasing course and therefore it should be protected from any form of damage.

The heavy duty grass mats protect the grass from erosion and moreover, the mats have openings to allow the grass to continue growing naturally.

Grass mats protect the grass from erosion.
Grass mats protect the grass from erosion to create a high quality course.

3: The mats are easy to install

The pathway mats are easy to install.

The installation process means that the mats can be installed quickly without the need for excavation, which saves time and money.

Once the area has been selected and the golf matting laid, they can be held in place with plastic fixing pegs and tied together using cable ties.

Read our guide on how to install rubber grass mats here.

Grass Mats allowed somewhere for visitors to Sheffield's Illuminate The Gardens firework display to stand without impacting the grass below.
The mats are easy to install using plastic fixing pegs and cable ties.

4: Suitable for the surface

A golf pathway mat is designed not to interfere with the ground below.

The mats are built for the environment and allow water to drain away naturally. Rainwater can fit through the small holes in the mats to provide the ground with nutrients while eliminating the risk of surface water build-up on the surface.

The golf pathways feature openings that do not interfere with the course and enable it to grow.

How do rubber grass mats work
Rubber grass mats feature holes which mean that water and nutrients has access to the ground below.

Golf matting in practice

The mats are used at a number of golf courses around the UK.

The mats are used to withstand pedestrian and golf buggy traffic whilst protecting the grass below.

Mike, Greens Chairman at Lancaster Golf Club, decided to install our rubber grass mats at the course. He said:

“After such a wet winter when our course was wetter and muddier than at any time in its history and as Greens Chairman I pushed for us to consider putting in approximately 200 metres of rubber grass mat paths in some of the worst areas between tees and greens. This would enable more use of trolleys and single seat ride on buggies in winter months.”

The mats created a strong and clean surface for golfers to walk and pull their buggies from hole to hole without the risks of mud.

Rubber mats in action at Lancaster Golf Club.
Rubber mats in action at Lancaster Golf Club.

When is the best time to install golf pathway mats?

The mats are typically covered by grass in 6-8 weeks during the growing season. This can take longer at other times of the year.

The ideal installation time for grass mats is during the summer/autumn in preparation for the poor weather conditions in the winter months.

Regardless of time of year, the mats will function perfectly immediately after installation.

Golf mats are best installed in summer and autumn to best prepare for winter months.
Golf mats are best installed in summer and autumn to best prepare for winter months.

The range of rubber grass mats

The golfing mats are available in sizes 16mm or 23mm. Alternatively, a grass mat roll is available.

16mm Rubber Grass Mats: These feature a critical fall height of 1.1m to prevent injuries from trips and slips. The mats  non-slip, simple to install and use and are extremely flexible.

23mm Rubber Grass Mats: These mats are made from hi-density rubber and feature a critical fall height of 3.3m. The structure of the mats are strong and durable with effective drainage which allows the grass below to grow through and maintain the area’s natural appearance.

Rubber Grass Mat Roll: The roll provides coverage of 10.5m2. It is incredibly versatile and can be used around the golf course.

Rubber Grass Mats with pegs and tiles
The mats are available in a range of sizes.


The rubber grass mats for golf courses are strong, durable, ensure the grass is protected and are easy to install.

Browse our Product Spotlight: Rubber Grass Mat Rolls for a complete guide to the product.

For more uses for the mats click here.

To find out more call our helpful and friendly team on 01246 418144, contact us on webchat or email us here.

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